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How to Access Online Giving for PLUC

To access online giving, Click the PLUC Give Now Button.

Click Button to Give Now.

Clicking on it will directly open the Presbyterian Foundation Online Giving form.

Accessing Online Giving the First Time: Creating a Profile

The first time you access the giving page you will need to create a profile.

Click Button to Give Now.

  1. Click the PLUC Give Now Button to open the Presbyterian Online Giving form. 
  2. Your first time you will need to click on Create Profile.  
  3. That will bring you to the Create Profile page.  Enter your email address twice.
  4. On the next page, enter your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  5. The last two lines will ask you to create a password and then re-enter the password.
  6. To complete your profile, click on Create Profile.
  7. When your profile is complete, you will be taken to the Online Donation page.
  8. Now, you can make a donation by clicking on Add Transaction.
  9. The right hand side asks you to enter your donation and its designation (General Fund, Helping Hands, etc.).  The left hand side will ask for information on how you will pay the donation (New Account Checking, New Account – Saving, or Credit/Debit Card).  

Accessing Online Giving after the First Time

The giving process is simpler once you create your profile.

Click Button to Give Now.

  1. Click the PLUC Give Now Button.
  2. Login on the Presbyterian Giving form by entering your email and password. Click Login.
  3. You will be directed to the Transaction page where you can enter your donation and its designation.

After your donation

Once the transaction is processed you will receive an email confirmation of your donation from either the Presbyterian Foundation or VANCO (the company that processes your donation).  Each year in January, the Presbyterian Foundation will send you an email listing all your donations in the previous year which can be used for tax purposes.

Join us in online worship this week.

We are participating in special online worship services provided by both our UCC Confrerence and our PC(USA) Synond.

UCC, Worship with the Council of Conference Ministers 
Full Worship Service Video

Service Bulletin

PCUSA, Jeannie Harsh of Scioto Valley Presbytery
Full Worship Service Video

Next week, Nov. 29, we will gather agin for live worship, in person and via zoom at PLUC; 10:30 for fellowship and 11 a.m. for worship. Check back for the link.


The church building closed to all congregational and community meetings until further notice.

Recovery Meetings, however are able to use the building, provided the group follows the PLUC Covid-19 Building Use Policy, which can be viewed by clicking this link.

If you have questions or would like to speak with a minister, contact Pastor Peter Norland at 906-370-3558.

For more information on Covid-19 and how to say healthy:

Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus.

Portage Lake United Church is canceling our worship service this Sunday, March 13th.

The consistory will be meeting this week and will consider any future suspension of worship and/or whether to make our worship services available online. We will also discuss our congregation’s response and care for one and other and the community as the coronavirus epidemic evolves.

Please know that the decision to cancel worship is made not out of fear, but from caring and caution. Our participation in the society-wide practice of social distancing to “flatten the curve” of any outbreak is one way to care for our neighbors and neighborhoods.

So, on this Sunday, March, 13th, rather than attending worship at PLUC, I encourage you to read the scriptures for the day (listed below), pray for one another, check out the attached hymn that we had planned to sing, and reach out to or re-connect with someone in Christ’s name. This change in our routine is an opportunity to modify the way in which we participate in God’s mission in the world.

I will let you know new developments regarding PLUC as the guidance, situations, and decisions evolve.  

May you know and embody the love of God, the compassion of Christ, and power of the Holy Spirit. 

The Peace of Christ be with you all, 

Pastor Peter Norland