You can help the ministry of Portage Lake United Church by making a gift.
PLUC has partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation to receive secure online donations.
Note: when giving online, there is a transaction fee of 2% on each online donation. For example, when giving a $100 online gift, $98 goes to PLUC.
To give, simply click our “PLUC give now” button.
You can make a one-time donation or create an account and give regularly and automatically, the choice is yours.
For detailed instructions, click here: How to GiveĀ Online at PLUC.
There is an app for that!
You can use the GivePlus+ app to manage your online giving to PLUC.
The GivePlus+ app is available for both android and iOS devices,
makes managing your online giving easier. The app uses the user profile as the secure online form. Once installed, search for PLUC and start giving.
More Information about Give+
Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about Give+
To learn more about how Give+ works, click here.