Weekly Announcements
All Saints Worship this Sunday
Join us for worship this Sunday Morning when we remember those who have gone on before us in faith.
Share a Saint
There is still time to send a photo or name of a loved one, a historical saint, or spiritual companion of yours to include in our worship service this Sunday. Send names and/or photos to Pastor Peter.
Times are a Changin!
Don’t forget to “Fall Back” before you go to bed on Saturday as Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday.
Upcoming Congregational Meeting
Our November Congregational/Corporation meeting will be held over ZOOM following Worship on November 15 following worship. We will be reviewing the 2021 proposed budget, voting on the Church Treasurer and Financial Secretary, and receiving a report from Pastor Peter on what has been going on and plans for the future.
November 2020 Newsletter
Beth has posted the November Newsletter here.
A Virtual Progressive Dinner or Progressively Virtual Dinner?
Want to eat together. We are looking at holding a “progressive dinner” or some other form of community lunch on the first Sunday of December. We could have appetizers, salad, entrĂ©e, dessert. Different people could “host” each section and send out a recipe for that section so everyone is eating the same thing. This could be done over ZOOM after worship while a few people are at the church “Greening the Church” for the season. Let the office know if you would be interested in doing something like this, and if so, if you would like to “host” a section of the meal. Please let the office know by November 12 if you are interested in participating.

What can you do today?
Loving God, we go with your love to exercise the responsibility each of us carries in this democracy to vote. We pray for all people who join with us to cast their ballots even as we pray for hope, equality, wholeness, and health for all people created in your image and for your glorious creation: earth. May your love sustain us. Amen.
Greetings from Presbytery Point Camp!
Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, Presbytery Point is standing strong on this little peninsula here in Michigamme.
It’s a bit more quiet and the birds and deer have decided it’s a nice safe haven to winter.
Here is a PDF of the the Fall 2020 newsletter. You can also find it on our homepage of www.presbyterypoint.org.
Stay warm & healthy!
From around the campfire,
Jenna Thompson, Executive Director