Join us on Tuesday afternoons this Lent as we read and discuss the book Faith After Doubt by Brian McLaren
Tuesday afternoons 5:30-6:30 p.m.
March 8 through April 5
In the lougnge at Portage Lake United Church
The book is available in hardback, paperback, Kindle and audiobook. Link to Book via Amazon
From Brian McLaren—the author of A New Kind of Christianity—comes a bold proposal: only doubt can save the world and your faith.
We live in a world where the old assumptions–not least, the ones about spirituality and theology–are being challenged every day. Sixty-five million adults in the U.S. have dropped out of active church attendance and about 2.7 million more are leaving every year.

Faith After Doubt is for the millions of people around the world who feel that their faith is falling apart. It’s for people who feel God is a little less real than before. It is for people who have a faith crisis in the middle of Biology 101. It is for the millions of quiet church-goers who show up Sunday after Sunday, but feel the bottom is dropping out. It is for those who dropped out of religion long ago, but still dream that there’s a way for them to be both spiritually curious and intellectually honest.
Using his own story and the stories of a diverse group of struggling believers, Brian D. McLaren, a former pastor, proposes a four-stage model of faith development in which questions and doubt are not the enemy of faith, but rather a portal to a more mature and fruitful kind of faith. The four stages—Simplicity, Complexity, Perplexity, and Harmony—offer a path forward that can help sincere and thoughtful people leave behind unnecessary baggage and intensify their commitment to what matters most.
EmaiL pastor peter to let me know you are interested.
Help to purchase the book is available.
We will get the most out of our time together if you read the assigned pages prior to the discussion.
March 8—Session 1 Preface & Introduction (6 pages)
March 15—Session 2 Part I: Your Descent into Doubt (pgs 3-58)
March 22—Session 3 Part 2: All In Doubt (pgs 59-130)
March 28—Session 4 Part 3: Life After (and With) Doubt (pgs 131-205)
April 5—Session 5 Afterword: (pgs 206-220)